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This section will demonstrate how Hasty Paste can be installed and configured.

Important Notes

Please read these notes before continuing.

  • Running on a filesystem that is case-insensitive is not supported
  • Running multiple instances is supported, you could even use rsync to sync between multiple file systems.
  • The paste root directory must have read/write permissions for the user running the app
  • Access to add and read pastes is public, use a reverse proxy to add authentication
  • A HTTPS connection at endpoint is required for the "Copy Share Link" button
  • Use HTTPS otherwise paste links are exposed to man-in-the-middle attacks
  • If you have a high amount of clients, use Redis caching and set WORKERS to match the physical cpu cores
  • If using S3 the bucket should already be created with read/write access
  • S3 currently has been tested with MinIO (can self-host)


All configs shown here should be given as environment variables.

Name Description Default Docker Default
TIME_ZONE The time-zone where your clients are (used in web UI) Europe/London Europe/London
NEW_AT_INDEX Index page displays new paste page instead False False
ENABLE_PUBLIC_LIST Whether to enable public access for listing pastes False False
USE_LONG_ID When "True" pastes will use a longer id False False
UI_DEFAULT__EXPIRE_TIME__ENABLE Enable a default expire time in web ui False False
UI_DEFAULT__EXPIRE_TIME__MINUTES Default minutes in ui for expiry if enabled 0 0
UI_DEFAULT__EXPIRE_TIME__HOURS Default hours in ui for expiry if enabled 1 1
UI_DEFAULT__EXPIRE_TIME__DAYS Default days in ui for expiry if enabled 0 0
STORAGE__TYPE What storage type to use (DISK, S3) DISK DISK
STORAGE__DISK__PASTE_ROOT Where the paste flat file system will be kept - /app/data
STORAGE__S3__ENDPOINT_URL Use a different endpoint other than AWS - -
STORAGE__S3__ACCESS_KEY_ID Access key ID - -
STORAGE__S3__SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Access key secret - -
STORAGE__S3__BUCKET_NAME Bucket name to store pastes (should already be created) - -
CACHE__ENABLE Whether to enable caching of any type True True
CACHE__INTERNAL_MAX_SIZE The max size of the internal cache (<=0 to disable) 4 4
CACHE__REDIS_URI Use redis for caching - -
BRANDING__TITLE Customise the app title - -
BRANDING__DESCRIPTION Customise the app description - -
BRANDING__ICON Customise the app icon, provide as absolute filepath - -
BRANDING__FAVICON Customise the app favicon, provide as absolute filepath - -
BRANDING__CSS_FILE Customise the site theme, using a provided css file - -
BRANDING__HIDE_VERSION Hide the app version number False False
MAX_BODY_SIZE The max body size, given in bytes 2000000 2000000
LOG_LEVEL What log level to use "WARNING" "WARNING"
HIDE_BOOT_MESSAGE Hide the ascii art boot message False False
WORKERS Number of separate processes to spawn (Docker Only) 1
CERT_FILE SSL certificate file path (public) (Docker Only) -
KEY_FILE SSL key file path (private) (Docker Only) -

Default values indicated with '-' are not required

If you want HTTPS, both CERT_FILE and KEY_FILE environment values must be provided to valid certificates

If you are expecting heavy load set WORKERS to how many physical cpu cores are available.

Redis Uri

The CACHE__REDIS_URI can only accept certain formats, these are shown below:

  • redis://[[username]:[password]]@localhost:6379/0
  • rediss://[[username]:[password]]@localhost:6379/0
  • unix://[[username]:[password]]@/path/to/socket.sock?db=0




Hasty Paste supports tired caching. For example both the internal cache and Redis cache can be used. The priority of the cache types are shown below:

Internal -> Redis -> Miss

If you are using multiple workers (set via WORKERS), each worker does not share memory. This means when using the internal cache, each cached item will be duplicated across workers (increasing memory usage). If this is the case you may want to use Redis and select a smaller internal cache size.

This will assume you have both Docker and Docker Compose installed. You can use any other container software, however it is not documented here. To increase security the container will run as the nobody user instead of root.

  1. Create directory for app
  2. Create file called docker-compose.yml inside folder
  3. Copy example compose file shown below
  4. Run docker compose up -d inside folder
  5. Hasty Paste is now running
version: "3"

    container_name: paste-bin
    restart: unless-stopped
      - data:/app/data
      - 8000:8000
      - "TIME_ZONE=Europe/London"


With Redis

version: "3"

    container_name: redis
    image: redis:alpine
    restart: unless-stopped

    container_name: paste-bin
    restart: unless-stopped
      - data:/app/data
      - 8000:8000
      - "TIME_ZONE=Europe/London"
      - "CACHE__REDIS_URI=redis://redis:6379"
      - redis


With S3

version: "3"

    container_name: paste-bin
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 8000:8000
      - "TIME_ZONE=Europe/London"
      - "STORAGE__TYPE=S3"
      - "STORAGE__S3__BUCKET_NAME="hasty-paste"
      - "STORAGE__S3__ACCESS_KEY_ID=< key id here >"
      - "STORAGE__S3__SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=< secret access key here >"

Without Docker

This will assume the supported Python version is installed and accessible.

git clone

cd hasty-paste

make py-venv

source .venv/bin/activate

make py-install

echo "PASTE_ROOT=data/
" > .env

hypercorn 'asgi:paste_bin.main:create_app()' --bind --workers 1

This is what the final file structure should look like:


If you wish to configure Hypercorn the documentation can be found here, you could for example configure https or different bind methods.

To upgrade in the future use the following commands:

source .venv/bin/activate

git pull

make py-install