This page shows how the built in CLI can be used.

Using The CLI From Docker

By default when running the container it will execute the "serve" command, you can override this to use the CLI. Here is a few ways this can be accomplished:

Spin up a temporary container overriding the command:

docker run --rm -it <command>

Exec into running container (will not work if no config has been set):

docker exec -it <container name> ./web-portal-lite <command>



To serve the actual web server this command can be used:

This will need a valid config before launching

web-portal-lite serve

Hash Passwords

To use the user accounts feature a hashed password is expected, use this command to hash a given password. Once the password has been hashed; simply copy it into the password field in your config.

web-portal-lite pw-hasher
enter password: <password>
hashed password: $argon2id$...

Generate Config

To gain a template config the following command can be run. This will output to stdout, you can then copy and paste this into a config.yml file.

web-portal-lite gen-config

Get Version

web-portal-lite version